Introducing Redefining Job and the Conundrum of Suffering AND the new and improved Reading Alcove. Well, new and improving. Long way to go to get everything moved, relinked, and re-illustrated. In the meantime – we’ll just celebrate Job.
Job can be found in a number of places.
The publishers, Wipf & Stock, offer the title at a discount (hint, both the publisher and I make a bit more through this route). They also have programs that offer desk copies and review copies. If you think Job might be helpful in a support group, study class, seminar, or any other learning experience, check it out with the publisher. There is also a look inside feature that lets you explore things a bit.
Amazon is offering hardcover, paperback, and Kindle.
Barnes and Noble is offering hardcover and paperback.
The final chapter was published in the Baptist News Global (with permission of the publisher). You might like to check out the writing style and some of the conclusions. I hope the taste will lead you to ask, “Where did she find that idea?”
There is more about the book in the publications section of this site, and a radio interview (plus any other kind of trouble I get myself into) on the events page.
Soon I should have my own inventory (hardcovers on order) and I will be selling off this website.
Come on a journey with me to discover how once upon a time can lead to a solid vision for the now.

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