Recently I was interviewed by Don McCauley of The Author Show. He asked me about the book, why I wrote it, and what I thought about evil and suffering. Visit this 15-minute peek into the world of Job. Redefining Job and the Conundrum of Suffering, aired September 1, 2020 and licensed for use by, well, me. #ReadABook

Welcome to the land of Uz and the amazing things one can learn on the way to “Why.”

July 2020: Radio Interview with Kyle Pauley at KXRO, Aberdeen, WA the release of Redefining Job and the Conundrum of Suffering.

April 2017: Book signing at Barnes & Noble, Olympia for Who I Am Yesterday
Press Release by the Daily World, Aberdeen ,WA
The signing was used as an opportunity to distribute materials about support in the region and resources about all forms of dementia.

December 2014: Live radio interview with Author First Radio (just over an hour long). Interview regarding Who I Am Yesterday: A Path to Coping with a Loved One’s Dementia.

June 2013: Seminar provided to the caregivers’ support group at Group Health [now Kaiser] in Everett, WA.
A Glimpse from Inside Dementia – Part I
A Glimpse from Inside Dementia – Part II
A Glimpse from Inside Dementia – Part III
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