
Graphics from Redefining Job & the Conundrum of Suffering

The maps were drawn by Julie Witmer of Custom Maps and are copyrighted as part of the published text.

On the left is a map that provides the relationship of named countries and regions in Chapter 2, A Bit of Exegesis. On the right is the Levant showing the areas named by Bible scholars that are relevant to the original legend of Job.

This chart appears in Chapter 6, The Study of Why. It is an introduction to Part II which provides a brief analysis of the Christian and Jewish commentators from 184-1444 CE.

This map appears in Chapter 8, Philosophy or Homily? The purpose is to provide a sense of where these authors lived and worked. The map also depicts crucial Islamic sites.

This map appears in Chapter 10, The Aristolelians. The purpose is to provide a sense of where the Jewish philosophers lived and worked. Crucial Islamic sites are also shown.