Writing Desk

The Five Mistakes Killing Self-Published Authors

Originally published August 4, 2012 (believe me, nothing much has changed)

Early in my publishing career, I became another avid follower of Kristen Lamb. I think that part of what an author’s blog should do is share the precious gems of tips and tools we find as we wander around on the web researching marketing avenues and writing techniques. This lady is awesome. In fact, much of what I learned about writer etiquette in social media I learned from her book, Are You There, Blog? It’s Me, Writer.  What a refreshing and empowering book!  I am finding cause to be less timid and to actually enjoy networking with people who work at putting their thoughts and the great communities of individuals that inhabit their minds in writing.

Are you there blog isn’t around anymore, but you will find additional titles to help you navigate the world of social media as an author on her author page at Amazon.

You will find her blogs on this website on occasion, but be sure to visit her place yourself.  Who knows what treasurers you’ll find!

Kristen Lamb, The Five Mistakes Killing Self-Published Authors

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