
Originally published January 30, 2015

Oh, the journey that we’re on,

Good days — bad days —
days that break the heart.
days that seem so wicked
in the hope that they bring.
You slip away,
then gain your strength.
You call me close,
push me away
Certain you must go
and stay.

Am I crazy to keep trying?
To get us to the sea?
To plan a great safari?
To upend us from our roost?
and yet
I find it all consuming.
If I lose you,
I must keep you
And that can only be
In a place that’s ours
not borrowed
a place that’s by the sea.

And so we pack
And organize
To make a journey
Into turmoil
Sometimes despair.
All to hold you close
To know you as I do.
To smell the sea,
or mountain air.
A place that I
can care for you
as only I can do.

But where,
my dear
do I pack away
my ever present tears?

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